Saturday 28 March 2015

28th March 2015

I did a doodle today because my daughter suddenly announced she wanted to go to Africa to see all the animals. Oh, was my response.

Now I am currently in the throws of planning a surprise Disney trip for her next year, but safari in Africa? It's been a while since I was last in Africa, so the thought is very tempting. However, as my daughter is only four, I expect she has a very different idea of what 'seeing animals in Africa' would be like. I suspect it is some colourful mix of Ra-Ra the Noisy Lion and Andy's Wild Adventures (Cbeebies programs).

Anyway, it's a thought...

Friday 27 March 2015

27th March 2015

I did a doodle today for the Colour Collective, where this week's colour is Indigo. After a little thought, I opted for playing with my new tablet and incorporating an (early) idea I am working on for the illustrations of a story. So here are two versions of my (sadly) torn fairy. There is a happy ending to the story, promise.

Thursday 26 March 2015

26th March 2015

I did a doodle today as part of Three Things Thursday:

1. I found a lost dog. After an hour of searching the woods for a lost owner to pair up with the lost dog, I knocked on some nearby doors, but to no avail. The local kennels came to the rescue, scanning the (very large Rotti-Lab cross) dog and happily reuniting with its owner.

2. After four consecutive nights of broken sleep - a combination of weirdo dreams and (last two nights) poorly daughter - I am forcing myself to keep my eyes open. Though I failed at about 1.30pm and actually dozed off at my desk.

3. I took my little one out on her new rollerskates. First time and all the literal twists and turns you'd imagine, but no bumps. Lots of giggles, a sore back for mummy and one happy little girl.

Just another average Thursday! How was yours?

Wednesday 25 March 2015

25th March 2015

I did a doodle today after a visit to the opticians. One of the tests is for colour sensitivity and recognition. Far from concentrating on the test, I was drawn in to the patterns and how the different colour variations made me think of different things and see the pattern (the same every time) in a different way each time.

Now this is not a revelation. Obviously. But it did get my creative mind whirring away (ooooo I love that) and I got home and started pattern doodling and seeing what patterns looked like in different colours.

So here is one of my patterns. This one is literally based on the opticians colour test today. I created my version and then changed the colour of it several times and this is what I see (and I expect there are some serious psychological issues here!!!).

What do you see?

Petri dish of red blood cells

Fanta Orange Bubbles

Swiss Cheese


Bath bubbles


Tuesday 24 March 2015

24th March 2015

I did a doodle today for Challenge Tuesday. Something new (or something I fear) has to be tackled. So here it is, my Challenge today was to finally set up my drawing tablet... and draw with it!

As a-kind-of-sort-of-illustrator-type-person-ish, I have a confession. I do my computer graphics with... a mouse!!! EEEEEEK, I hear you (and the mice population) cry, what manner of devilry is this? Well, I like it and I actually use the touchpad more than a mouse nowadays, but I will not feel ashamed. I will hold my head up high. However...

I have drooled over and dreamt of playing with a graphics tablet, I physically start salivating at the site of the Wacom Cintiq 27QHD touch. What I could do with that, how I could create worlds of imagination and colour. If only I had a spare £2,000...

Anyway, enough of that. I decided to dip my toe in the tablet waters and I bought myself a £19.99 Trust Design Tablet. A far cry from the Wacom Goddess Machine, but it is a bit of fun and today's doodle was my first (literally) go on it. Not too shabby!

Swirly, twirly fun indeed.

Monday 23 March 2015

23rd March 2015

I did a doodle today to say happy Ickle Monday everyone. Start the week reaching for the stars and end the week a superstar. That's my saying for today.




Sunday 22 March 2015

22nd March 2015

I did  a doodle today as I leisurely (or was it lazily?) did some more research for my new book. It is a subject that I have always been fascinated about and strangely drawn to, and one that has heavily influenced some of my more far-flung travels. But in all my trekking, hiking, boating, exploring, I never found a dodo.

Rumour has it that they are extinct, but 'pah' to that... I want to believe that they are just in hiding, along with the elusive Tasmanian Tiger and extremely shy Quagga (it's all in the name). So today's doodle, the recreation of a dodo. One day.